Diploma Certificates

Having completed all the modules included in the 120ECTS study plan and having passed the final examination (Master's thesis defense) according to the rules of the Universities involved in the mobility plan, the student will be awarded a Master's degree by each University where at least one semester (corresponding to 30 ECTS) has been completed.
Note that in order to obtain a Master's degree from ULIS or ISKPI, the student must complete at least 60 ECTS at ULIS or ISKPI.
The Master's degrees delivered at each University are the following ones: 
  • MSc in Mathematics at UNIVR -study path  Applied Mathematics
  • MSc in Computer Simulation in Science at BUW
  • MSc in Applied Mathematics at ISKPI - study path Data Science and Mathematical  Modelling
  • MSc in Mathematics at ULIS
  • MSc in Mathematics and Applications at UGA - study path MSIAM - Industrial and Applied Mathematics 

A Diploma Supplement (containing all the information about the mobility plan and the modules completed by the student) is issued together with the EMJM MATHS-DISC certificate, which includes the MATHS-DISC logo and the names and logos of the Consortium Universities and is delivered during a final ceremony.